Thursday, May 28, 2009

A Nice Surprise

I had a good friend of mine from Hawaii visiting OKC this past week. Del City, was their home before Hawaii, so she decided to get away with her mom and her new preciuos baby Logan for a road trip. I was so shocked when I was walking through church on Sunday to her my name called out and to see that is was her. It was such a nice surprise. Chelse, Logan and her mom got to come and spend the day with us before they had to head back and we really had a nice visit. She was in my wedding back in 2001 and it has almost been that long since I have seen her.

I had to throw this one of Ayden in. Thought it was to cute. He is now 16 months!!

Pre- K Graduation

Well, Tristan has officially graduated pre-k and will be moving on to all day kindergarten next year!! I can't believe how fast this year flew by. He loves school, and is already asking me when he will be going back. I told him to enjoy his summer and not to rush it, because before you know it you will be graduating high school. Makes me sad just thinking about it! I look at him and can't believe what a handsome, and smart young man he is turning into. I can't believe my baby will be six at the beginning of the next school year. CRAZY!!! I am so proud of him and who he is becoming and can't wait to continue the next couple of years as he grows.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Herman The Worm

35 weeks

Here are a few pictures of me and my big belly! I am now 35 weeks and counting the days! The doctor set my induction date to June 11th! Not much longer now. Woo Hoo!! This last picture of me I look huge! I don't know if I was having a contraction or if it was just the angle.

The Boy's

The other day Daddy came home and took a nap with Ayden in his room. I was wondering why it was so quiet, so I went back to check on them and this is how I found them! I thought it was to cute not to post!! The other two pictures are of Tristan and Ayden rocking in the chair. Daddy was singing to them and Ayden was getting a big kick out of it.

Monday, May 4, 2009

Lady Bug's

I did a video below of all the pictures from my shower this past weekend. I think we took almost 80 pictures. So, I thought I would post a few by themselves. It was a wonderful day! I had a lot of good friends and family that were able to attend! We all had a great time. Thank You so much Sylvia for putting this all together for me. It was the best shower a girl could ask for!

Here I am getting ready to cut the cake, I didn't want to though it was so pretty!!

The awesome cake that she made

The wonderful host of this wonderful event

Monte, the winner of who can guess my size around my belly!

The Gift Table

These Were the cute little pastry favors that Sylvia made

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Baby Shower

I had a wonderful baby shower in Mya Lynn's honor this past Sat. It turned out so beautiful!! My good friend Sylvia hosted the event and did a wonderful job! Check out the awesome cake. She did it all by herself!!! It was a lady bug theme, very cute.